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Capacitación Penagos

Ecologic wet mills to producers Thanks to C.A.F.E Practices we delivered to producers, 53 Ecoline 400 and 800 wet mill units. These ecologic wet mill units will improve their post-harvest practices while being environmentally responsible. In addition, we have the support of Penagos in the training process to [...]

Capacitación Penagos2022-10-25T14:11:21-05:00

Entrega de Kits de Autosuficiencia alimentaria

Food self-sufficiency a way for producers to improve their incomes Thanks to Solidaridad, we invite producers and their families that are linked to our program Clúster AAA de Nespresso from the Huila. Our ambassadors train the people on income diversification and food self-sufficiency topics. The activity was divided [...]

Entrega de Kits de Autosuficiencia alimentaria2022-10-31T09:19:03-05:00

Entrega de Bonos

We like to recognize the effort and dedication of the producers that are liked to our sustainability projects. Therefore, we raffle 104 tickets with a value of $100.000 COP ($50 USD) to the farmers that are on transition to be part of NKG Verified program and had been active in [...]

Entrega de Bonos2022-10-25T14:19:42-05:00
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